On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 04:31:50 -0800, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> IIRC, your system takes PC133 memory modules. These are available for
> about [EMAIL PROTECTED], or even lower.
> http://www.techworks.com and http://dealram.com is where I usually go
> to find RAM.
> Godfrey
> On Mar 9, 2005, at 3:03 AM, Paul Stenquist wrote:
> > It would be well worth the money to add at least half a gig of memory
> > to that machine, preferably a gig. If you're going to run PhotoShop,
> > it will be crippled with 256 meg. Memory is pretty cheap. I think you
> > can find half gig chips for a little over a hundred dollars US.
> > Paul

There are plenty of good memory deals if you look around.  I would
avoid the computer superstores, as they tend to have the highest
prices.  You might also check pricewatch.com if you don't mind digging
through hundreds of retailers.  Alternately, I've had very good
results with Crucial memory.  http://www.crucial.com/index.asp  They
have a very easy to use memory selector as well.  Their prices are not
always the lowest, but the product is reliable and shipping is often
free.  Also, they are sometimes willing to "deal" if you call them,
y'know, on the telephone.

Scott Loveless

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