Bob W wrote:

Sunday, March 13, 2005, 6:01:34 PM, Peter wrote:

That's true, sorry I couldn't find pictures...

David Savage wrote:

With the wonders of modern plastic surgery you shouldn't have to go without. :-)

Sorry to put a bit of a downer on this thread, but it has reminded me
of something.

One of the things that makes me ashamed to be British is the way that
we continue to neglect Alan Turing, and the way he was treated in
his life. Following his conviction for homosexuality in the 1950s,
part of his sentence was to be forcibly treated with hormones to
'cure' him. One of the side effects was that he grew breasts.

That's the way we treat our heroes.

I don't understand that, unless "they" were treating him with female hormones to "punish" him. If he was treated with male hormones, he would, presumably, have turned into some sort of highly aggressive alpha male type, just like the heroes we jolly well expect to have.

On a slightly different tack, there is a syndrome whereby an individual can receive an extra sex chromosome. Males have XY, females XX sex chromosomes. For males, an extra Y and for females an extra X creates a sort of "super" gender. Males with extra Y's tend to form a higher than average proportion of the populations of prisons. A female with an extra X has never been found, so the mutation is presumably lethal at conception. Makes one wonder what a super female could be capable of....


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