Nice shot, Mr. Cotty. After going to the dogs a few weeks back, we've now 
demonstrated that this list is strictly for the birds.

> Off work for a couple of days as I'm working this weekend, lunch under
> the grill, and I look out of the window to find this chap on the feeder.
> He's awkwardly placed as these nuts are meant for the tits (whoa
> Beavis....) and he's a bit big to be there. I looked him up and he's an
> adult male Great Spotted Woodpecker, a common bird in these parts, but
> I've never seen one close up before.
> <>
> zoom + 2X (400mm actual) on a 1.3x sensor, ISO 400 1/125th wide open at
> 5.6 grabbed through a window. Got a dozen shots before he fell off /
> exited stage left.
> Cheers,
>   Cotty
> ___/\__
> ||   (O)   |     People, Places, Pastiche
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