On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 10:04:21 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I noted that Frank is responding during the DAY today :)
> This had me wondering why he's at home since he's usually busy on the
> streets of Toronto - and what with the bright sunshine and no snow in the
> forecast it seems perfect weather for him.
> So I figured he's responding because of one of the following:
> a) He's still distraught over being "jetsgoed"
> b) He's got the 'bird flu' from that Canada Goose that is apparently
> heading his way
> c) He's totally enveloped in the Michael Jackson trial
> d) He's busilly polishing his MX and CL.
> e) He's decided to take a day off to catch up on all the PDML stuff he's
> been missing out on
> I'm thinking it's "c" but I could be wrong ..... ;-)

Hey, Dave,

No, not (c).  It's closer to (e), I guess.

Last week was a busy week, and a brutal one, too.  My back was
bothering me a bit, but for various reasons I didn't want to take a
day off.

The back's still a bit tender, so's one of my knees (and my left hip,
for that matter <g>), none of which are bad enough to say "I can't
ride", but cumulatively, enough to say, "I feel like a day off". 
Sometimes, every couple of months or so, I feel I have to do that
(take a day off).  Trying to keep up with guys 1/2 my age gives me
special dispensation, I figure <g>.

So, this morning I'm on the list and doing a few other 'puter things,
this aft I'm off to the photo lab to get some contacts, and if they're
any good, order a print or two for my next PAW(s).

BTW, I don't ever polish my cameras.  They look more "pro" when
they're dirty <LOL>.  Hope to hear back about the LX in a day or so -
it's been a week, and Kominek's doesn't usually take much longer than
that for estimates.

You at work?  Working hard, I see.  <vbg>


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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