In a message dated 3/15/2005 12:49:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
Oh, I guess GESO happened when I was sick. I don't like the idea. Such links 
belong in a sigline and really should not be posted to a mailing list as a 
subject. Yes, you all have gone digital, and it is easy to post a deluge of 
photos, but it is not very courteous. It is like you are too lazy to edit 
output before showing it. Such is, in my opinion, junk mail to the list. If 
insist upon posting it just lable it JUNK.

I don't much like the idea either. Prefer one (maybe two, max three) at a 
time. That way I can spend some time looking/paying attention, otherwise, I may 
not look at much at all -- too overwhelming. Lots to do in real life, and lots 
of pictures to view.

However, for a PDML meet it seems oddly appropriate.


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