
Do you really have to ask this question???
Even though I acquired my MZ50 over 7 years ago, I had only one lens to go with it.
But over the last year, I have made photography my main hobby as well... and has spent more than you did in 20 years....
I have always tried to ignore how much I spent in my equipment and films. Not so long ago, my wife has taken all my equipment out and ask me to calculate the value... then her face went green....
So... I don't think I'll be buying D645...

But... who knows...



Fred Widall said:
The discussion regarding who would buy the new D645 made me wonder how
much you folk spend on your career/hobby/addiction.

I consider photography my main hobby, but being on the fugual side of
miserly, I calculate that my total expenditure for equipment over the past
twenty  years is approx. US$4000. Take away my two digital cameras
(*istDS & Optio 33LF) and its closer to US$2500. Of course I don't
make my living at this, nor do I consider myself an expert photographer,
but I do have fun with the equipment I have.

I think I can confidently say that I will not be buying a D645 !!

Just curious.........

 Fred Widall,
 Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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