On 16/3/05, Paul Stenquist, discombobulated, unleashed:

>It's not a matter of materials. It's more about the evolution of the 
>technology and the reduced cost of components. Whatever sensor Pentax  
>is using, you can be fairly certain they have a deep pocket, heavy user 
>partner. I'll bet we hear more about this shortly.

I take your point but submit that it is a matter of materials. A high
spec camera is not just about the technology packed inside, is it? Surely
it's also about how that package is put together, how well it stands up
to heavy use, how well the service and backup capability exists. I have
no argument with much of the above WRT Pentax, but if I was making money
full time from stills, and eyeing up some new gear, I would be a daft boy
to move away from what I already had unless the newbie was as good as, or
better than, the status quo. The 645D has to catch up, meet, and maybe
even surpass offerings already there. It can be done IMO, but not on the
cheap, without losing credibility.

Best regards,


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