I had the A35~70/4.0.  The focus feel was awful, I didn't care much for the
macro or close focusing results, and the corner and edge sharpness and
definition was, ummmm, less than stellar.  When stopped down a bit the
optical qualities improved, but not enough to make it a keeper.  I believe
it wasn't a true zoom, either, but, rather, a variable focus lens, where
some adjustment was needed for focus whenever the lens was zoomed. My
memory is a little hazy on that point, but be that as it may, if I'm going
to suffer the downside of a zoom lens, I want a true zoom, which will hold
its focus throughout the focal length.

Sure, lens hoods that don't work well when used on a full frame or 35mm slr
because of vignetting may work quite well with a camera that uses an APS
sized sensor.  I can only report my experience for 35mm film cameras, and
the original poster didn't ask about digi.


> [Original Message]
> From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 

> What didn't you like about the A35-70? Which version?
> Just curious ... I recently acquired three 35-70s
> For the D/DS body, a standard screw in lens hood (designed for a 
> 35-50mm lens on 35mm film) works fine for this focal length range. 

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