Love to do it sometime, but this next couple of weeks is not going to be the time. I'm putting vehicles together and preparing for movers next Thursday ... It will probably be the second week of April when things settle back down again.


On Mar 17, 2005, at 3:19 PM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

I'd like to see the FA compared to the K135/2.5 ... up for that some time,
Godfrey? I'd be happy to meet you somewhere, bring a few lenses, and we
can see how they compare on the digi and on film.


[Original Message]

It's obvious that you get what you pay for. The 135/2.8 is quite
impressive even wide open.

Thought it might be fun to pit the brand-new $300+ lens against the
single coated Takumar version which cost me $27...

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