That's what I meant by X and B, the flash sync speed
and bulb.
I think the 'clackier' is due to the lightweight housing.
Like firing with no lens, or better still a rigid lens
cap, on. Less mass to dampen the mirror return sound.
The main reason I love the ME Super is that it has a
pneumatic damper on the mirror mechanism. Very mellow
Ironically it's also a common source of trouble.
It's what causes the shutter lag you sometimes see in the MES.
You press the shutter release and anywhere from seconds to
*hours* later the shutter finally fires.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Wilensky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 7:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: [PMX:###] Re: Pentax MV - Good or bad?
> I think the MV, like the MG and ME, do have a mechanical speed at 
> 1/100, which is also the flash synch speed. When I had an MV I noticed 
> that the shutter, while it had the same specs as the ME, was either 
> "clackier" in operation or at least not nearly as well damped.
> Joe
> On Mar 22, 2005, at 8:37 PM, Don Sanderson wrote:
> > Keith, when I think of 'mechanical camera' I think
> > of one that only loses it's meter if the batteries
> > die.
> > The only one in the "M" line AFAIK that fits this
> > description is the MX.
> > What do you mean by mechanical?
> > I haven't had an MV for a while but it seems to me
> > that it qualifies as an 'electronic camera' in that
> > all but X and B shutter speeds are battery dependent.
> > I won't knock the MV, but I've had too many thru here
> > that just didn't stand up very well under heavy use.
> > The ME and MES just seem 'tougher' in their construction.
> > The ME even had metal top and bottom covers.
> > I did notice that the MV-1 seems to have several stronger
> > components, presumably to make it suitable to take a
> > power winder, which the MV won't.
> >
> > Don
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Keith Whaley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 7:23 PM
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: Pentax MV - Good or bad?
> >>
> >>
> >> The MV is a "gadget?" Please!
> >> I have an MV-1 and love it.
> >> Almost as much as I do my very similar MGs!
> >> It's indeed a simplified version of the beloved ME, all of which lead 
> >> to
> >> the much vaunted MX!
> >> Number one, you have to like mechanical cameras, or all bets are off.
> >> However, if you are okay with mechanical cameras, the MG, the MV and 
> >> the
> >> MV-1 are very capable of providing you with excellent shots!
> >>
> >> In this case, at least, "cheap" does not equal poorly designed or
> >> constructed...
> >>
> >> keith whaley
> >>
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>
> >>> Quoting frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 10:09:16 +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Is an MV something an enthusiast wants to be using?
> >>
> >>>> It's about the cheapest way you can use a k-mount lens.
> >>>>
> >>>> As far as whether an enthusiast wants to be using it, well, it seems
> >>>> to me that an enthusiast uses whatever the heck they want to.  If 
> >>>> one
> >>>> is insecure about "what to use", well, photography is the wrong 
> >>>> thing
> >>>> to be in.
> >>
> >>> Steve, Frank, Don,
> >>>
> >>> I ask because one comes attached to  a 28/3.5 M lens I'm interested 
> >>> in.
> >>> The body alone is $149, the lens alone is $149, the pair is
> >> $179 ($Aust).
> >>>
> >>> I wondered if the body would have any resale value, or if it just a
> >>> happy snap type of camera or perhaps had a history of problems, etc.
> >>>
> >>> I can see it is a fairly simple auto only gadget.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks :-)
> >>
> >

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