Exercise!  Sheesh, carry a bigger lens and a tripod, move to a Canon
cannon, and you'll get plenty of exercise <LOL>

I gotta say Bruce, whether or not I like any given image, you've sure got a
good eye for spotting some scenes that would easily be overlooked by many,
if not most, people.  You can worry this particular photo all you want -
burn down a highlight, fiddle with cropping, intensity, saturation .... it
doesn't matter.  It's just a great photo, in part because of its
simplicity.  I don't think you can improve much upon it, no matter what
changes you may make.  Regardless of what you do someone's going to say
that it looked better another way.


> [Original Message]
> From: Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Thanks for the comment Jim.  Seeing as I was out for an walk to
> exercise - I wasn't going to be carrying a tripod.  It would have been
> nice, but...them's the breaks.

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