In this range the Tamron SP AF 90mm macro is regarded one of the best.
I believe it possible to focus this manually.
Other than that any lens can be a portrait lens. 70mm - 120mm is fine
because you get limited Depth of Field (DOF) and you get a comfortable
distance to the subject while phptpgraphing.

If you want razor-sharp images, a macro lens is the best. If you want high
all-'round image quality, get a dedicated 85mm, a K 2.8 105mm or a K 2.5
135mm. You may get either one below 140USD, I believe.

Some people like the Pentax M 2.0/85mm for portraits. I didn't - I sold

The important thing about a portrait lens is that it's can make razor sharp
pictures at lager apertures (shallow DOF). I guess it takes a lot of
effort/knowlegde/technological know-how etc. to make a lens like this, which
is why they are expensive or rare.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Cotty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 24. marts 2005 23:29
Til: pentax list
Emne: K Mount Portrait Lens

Hey Listers,

I'm looking out for a budget lens for a friend. She wants a prime lens
for her Ricoh, a portrait lens. She saw my wife's Tokina AT-X 90mm f/2.5
macro and was impressed.

Can anyone recommend a lens (Pentax or otherwise) of 80 to 100mm (not a
zoom) with a decent max aperture, and can be had reasonable money (say
about 70 GBP / 140 USD). It would be useful if it was an A lens.

Thought appreciated.


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