I think that is exactly what it is, a flake of black paint.  Thanks you for the 

Village Idiot

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Village Idiot"
> Subject: Lens Cleaning
> > My very first lens, a Pentax 50mm F2 that came with my new ME Super some 
> > 23 years ago, has a black spec inside that is just big enough to see that 
> > it is triangularly shaped.  I have never had anything in any of my lenses 
> > before, so I am at a loss as to how to save my lens.  In this regard, I 
> > have a couple of questions.
> >
> > How much does it cost to have a lens taken apart and cleaned by a repair 
> > professional?
> >
> > Is it possible for an amateur, like me, to take apart a lens, clean it, 
> > and put it back together in working order?
> >
> > What are the tools and steps needed for me to clean this lens properly?
> >
> > Thank you in advance for your help.
> Leave it alone.
> Keep taking pictures and forget about it.
> If you really want to save your lens, you won't bother with a spec that is 
> barely visible, especially near the edge of the glass.
> It is probably is fleck of black paint that has fallen off the inside of the 
> lens barrel.
> William Robb 

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