I've had something similar happen and was able to correct it in the same way. I was also able to reattach the battery grip after rebooting. I think it is something along the order of a computer crash that simply requires a purging of memory.
On Mar 26, 2005, at 3:41 AM, Colin Miller wrote:

Ther other night I was out shooting school dinner dances with a ist D
and the battery grip sync with a set of studio lights. Both camera and
grip loaded with fresh AA batteries, lights running off the mains power.

After about 150 shots the camera dies. I ring a friend, he recommends taking the battery pack off and opening the battery compartment on the camera.

"Don't take the batteries out, just shut it up and the camera will be
ok, and leave the battery pack off", he says. Bit like rebooting a
computer, or a mobile phone he reckons.

Indeed the camera works fine for the rest of the night and I shoot
another 350 shots without a problem.

In the instruction manual I found something in the toubleshooting
section with similar advice.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Any explanations?

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