Cory, if I had a buck for everytime I've had people talk lovingly of
older, "quality" glass and end up not being able to cite, then
convincingly explain why, more than three cases of the AF version of a
given lens is inferior to the manual mount, I'd have a lot more AF
lenses, at current eekbay prices.   Take away the quality factor and
you're back to build quality arguments, which are about as interesting
as watching the D/DS write raw files to memory cards.

Each to his own and I definitely got out of bed on the wrong side today.

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 08:42:57 -0500 (EST), Cory Papenfuss
> On Tue, 29 Mar 2005, Quasi Modo wrote:
> > Manual lenses = too much hassle in this day and age.   We are the
> > Instant Gratification Generation.   If I didn't filter my lens
> > browsing to auto-focus only I'd be there all day. (I think that
> > captures the sentiments of ~90% of ppl in the market for Pentax
> > lenses)
> >
> >
>       Great news then... so the 10% of us that like to tinker with 
> quality old gear won't have to pay as much for it.  A DSLR with manual 
> lenses is still instant gratification, there are just a few more steps to 
> do along the way.
> -Cory
> *************************************************************************
> * Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
> * Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
> * Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *
> *************************************************************************

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