1) I just watched G.I. Joel win a Scrabble® tournament!  Sumpin' else!

2) I also just came back from visiting my camera repairman. His place of business was in the process of being torn down to rid if of asbestos contamination! Panic time!
He did keep his same phone, and fortunately only moved a few buildings down the street, so {sighhhh!} I'll go take a look at his cameras tomorrow!


Ann Sanfedele wrote:

William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Whaley"
Subject: Re: Enablement, The best 35mm camera ever!!!!

Since you seem to have some sort of interest in Nikons, I thought I'd ask.
My camera repairman has some sort of a Nikkormat in his case, for sale. No
idea what actual model number, what lens is mounted, or anything else, but
was wondering how they are regarded.

I had always been told that they were very well built cameras. I had a
Nikkormat of some sort for a while. It seemed to work well enough.
Find out which one it is at some point.

William Robb

Well, I had a few spare moments and hopped back on
to actually reading the list mail...

Funny you should be talking about the Nikon F2 -
as a good friend of mine
whose sone as well as exhusband are pro
cinematographers, as it happens,
is needing to sell her F2 and put it on ebay...

She has gotten a lot of watchers - but there is
stuff about the camera
she doesnt know even though she used it a fair
amount, her ex had bought it for
her. In fact, I used it way way back in the 80's
when I was visiting them
on Shleter Island and had forgotten to back a long
lens - so I borrowed her
camera to get an osprey shot.

what she doesnt know, and was asked, was if it had
a hot-shoe...
I looked at her photos of the thing and tried to
talk her through
removing the top piece ...

Someone wrote and asked her if it had a hot shoe,

The other funny thing was she is selling a
vivitar zoom for Nikon
and I had to rescue her title for her - she had
not stated it was
for Nikon and called it a 55mm. I think her lack
of interest in
things photographic might have been partly
responsible for her first marriage breakup :)

anyway... write me off list if you know how to
reveal the hot shoe if there
is one...

as to my Nikkormat... I may be able to keep it

annsan - just dropping by

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