The first one is my fave.  Looks like some kind of bionic octopus tentacle.

Excellent shot David.

Dave S

On Apr 2, 2005 4:25 PM, David Volkert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Two shots of a work of art next to the Ballard locks in Seattle.
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/8174498/in/photostream/
> Equipment:
> Pentax *Ist D, Pentax 28-70mm F4 AL
> Shot Info:
> 1/4000, F/5.6, ISO 400, 28mm (42mm in 35mm) Raw Format
> Post Processing:
> Croped for 8x10, Noise Ninja, and Highpass Sharpening
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/8174502/in/photostream/
> Equipment:
> Pentax *Ist D, Pentax 28-70mm F4 AL
> Shot Info:
> 1/2000, F/5.6, ISO 400, 70mm (105mm in 35mm) Raw Format
> Post Processing:
> Croped for 8x10, Noise Ninja, and Highpass Sharpening
> Comments appreciated
> -David
> p.s. I have no idea what its called, but its a collection of about 7 of
> these spiral things with blue LED's in between the pieces of metal (but
> most of them were burnt out).

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