Bill she's quite lovely. Seeing these she doesn't need anywhere near
the amount of Gaussian blur you originally used.

I had a bit of a play and at that image size I found 0.8 pixels of
blur was enough, but still keeping the eye's, lips & hair sharp.

BTW after having another look, IMGP7183ns is now my favorite.

Just my thoughts.

Dave S

On Apr 7, 2005 12:45 PM, William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need a shorter URL....
> Anyway, this is straight off the RAW converter, where I adjusted white
> balance and exposure, and nothing else.
> The files were resized for the web, no sharpening or softening.
> Lens used was the 77mm at around f/8.
> William Robb

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