On 8 Apr 2005 at 19:32, Bob W wrote:

> I haven't found a way. When I'm shooting a lot of film over a
> reasonable period of time I pre-number the rolls by writing on the
> can. When I load the film into the camera I write the film number in
> my notebook, and write my notes under that film number.

When I used to shoot a lot of film I simply used to write the roll number on 
the canister with a sharpie starting afresh each day, if I was away on an 
extended vacation I would also note the date and basic details on the roll. At 
the end of a trip covering more than one day I would consecutively re-number 
the lot plainly.

> If I take the films to a lab, then I ask the lab to keep track of the
> numbers, and they usually do this without demur. It's the sort of
> thing you should expect from a decent lab.

My lab (and most other pro-labs) I've used have never had a problem labelling 
processed rolls with my roll number.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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