Hi Cotty,

On Sat, 9 Apr 2005 15:38:52 +0100, Cotty wrote:

> > In celebration of finally getting a digital of
> > some sort, here's my first PESO.  
> >
> >http://www.nutdriver.org/IMGP0038.html

> Doug Does Digital ;-)

Well, technically, I've been scanning my film and doing my own inkjet
prints for a couple of years. :-)  But it is different to be able to
pull the shots straight out of the camera, instead of having to drop
off film and wait for it.

> Nice one mate. Like it.

Thanks.  Where I work, we've got a little "green space" between the
buildings that we smokers use and that people can go to just to relax
and think (it's a software company).  This shot was taken in that
little area, where there are a couple of those red trees, whatever the
heck they are.  It's remarkably quiet and relaxing for being only 200m
from the motorway. :-)


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