----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Sanderson"
Subject: RE: Best "mid-speed" 70/80-200/210 AF zoom?

William, (Is Bill OK or do you prefer William?)

Bill is fine.
I went with William when I signed on to try to differentiate myself from the half dozen other Bills on the list.

I know you're not a zoom lover, actually neither am I. I find that the quality of primes tend to make me look on *most* zooms as rather inferior, though there are a few exceptions. Many of my photo opportunities are quick 'shoot from the car' or 'jump out of the car and shoot'. Since I'm usually on the clock at work when I do this I can't take the time to "zoom with my feet", a zoom lens helps me fill frames without heavy cropping later.

A question for you: Do you usually find 150mm long enough?

My answer was somewhat tongue in cheek, although I rarely use zoom lenses.
I tend to run with a pack of primes from 15mm to 500mm, in the 80-200 range I use the 77 or 85, the 100 macro or K105, the M150 and the M200/4.
I do have an old Tokina 80-200/2.8 which I have started to become fond of on the istD, even though it lacks the A position.

I often carry the 200/4, I frequently wish it was a bit longer. I was carrying the 300/8.0 CAT but I just don't much care for "donuts". ;-)

Long lenses seem to be a bit of a problem on the digital. Neither my 300 or 400 are as good on the istD as they are on film. hey both seem to have a bit more CA than I am able to correct in the RAW converter.

William Robb

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