Thanks for the feedback Eric. I'm somewhat torn myself, so it's good to get 
some other opinions. 

c> At 11:50 pm 13/04/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Hi Bruce,
> >Yes, it was flat light. But warm flat light can be nice for flowers. 
> >Here's the side by side.
> >No flash:
> >
> >
> >Flash:
> >
> >
> >I like them from straight on. Particularly when the cone and petals are a 
> >different color. I've shot them from a lot of different angles as well, 
> >but head-on is ?robably my favorite daffodil look. That's highly 
> >subjective of course.
> >
> >Paul
> Hi Paul,
> I don't normally like the harshness of flash arcing across the stygian 
> darkness (yep, I realise this is just fill in flash here) photos but here 
> it really seems to help bring out the 3D form of the daffodil compared to 
> the non-flash photo. I like it, and the yellow shadow on the white petals. 
> There seems to be more texture in the petals too.
> Eric. 

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