I had the same problem (or is it really a solution) with my LX with a slow 
aperture actuator, probably caused by old lubricant. The aperture was slow in 
closing down and so more light reached the film so the LX ended the exposure 
early. If in manual mode I got overexposure, but Auto was fine.

How do you know the speed was 1/1000th rather than 1/350th? I would think they 
sound the same. In my case I noticed it because I was working at slower speeds.


-----Original Message-----
    From: "Jack Davis"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Sent: 14/04/05 22:38:11
    All shots (16 in all) were made with the same lens set
    at f/8 with mirror lock-up. Post shot shutter speeds:
    LX 1/1000 and MZ-S 1/350. Time span between shots just
    moments. Sun movement or clouds (none) not considered
    I realize that the actual LX exposure/shutter likely
    varied from pre-exposure reading, but I'm surprised at
    how much. Perhaps I'm just the last to discover this.

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