frank theriault wrote:

On 4/17/05, Bob W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's not immigrants, and it's not even historically oppressed
countries necessarily. Over here in the UK people seem ready to roll
over and give in without a murmur on matters such as ID cards and
imprisonment without charge and without trial.

I was in a supermarket today which was showing Sky News - that's a
Murdoch channel, so I don't have very high expectations. The anchor was
talking to another journalist - a journalist, note, not a politician
or a policeman. The 'journalist' claimed that the British people will
welcome ID cards, that they have nothing to fear from them, and that
they will solve the problem of terrorism.

Gobsmacked? I nearly threw my fish fingers through the feckin' screen.

I knew Murdoch news was bad, but jeez, to have his so-called
journalists spouting the assertions of authoritarian politicians and
security freaks as if they were established facts...

The most shocking part of your report, Bob, is that you'd actually buy
and eat fish fingers.  <LOL>

He has, er, obligations. I believe they are about 7 or 8 years old... 8-)

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