----- Original Message ----- From: "Keith Whaley" Subject: Re: Where's Cotty?

Which is not to say I believe everything was done right. It wasn't. But,
there were extenuating, non-foreseeable circumstances for most of the
known screw-ups. Most of what has happened was right-headed. It happened
for good reasons.

Non forseeable, such as most of the reasons being outright fabrications?
Perhpas forseeable given the backgrounds of the parties involved in the machinations surrounding the invasion.
If you'd wanted to look like humanitarians, you should have been more involved in the Balkans and Rwanda.

Ooops! Off the political rostrum. I'll try to take it offline from now on. Sorry. Back to your regularly scheduled Pentax discussions.

Please do, this has the potential for making you look like a fool.

William Robb

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