
>> > LOL, there's little more disconcerting whilst driving than having a big 
>> > hairy
>> > huntsman spider run across the inside of your windscreen :-)
>> You've clearly never had a bull elephant jump out from behind a tree
>> and start charging at you...

> I hate it when they hide behind trees.  8-)

Could have been worse though. Sometimes they perch in the branches
that overhang the road.

The story is this. We were in the Kruger National Park in South
Africa, and were late returning to our camp. It was getting dark,
our lights were on, and the animals were really coming out, so we were
driving slowly and concentrating on all the little beasties. Next
thing we know there's a really loud bellowing and this huge tusker comes
charging through the bush and starts chasing our vehicle down the
road. Luckily the car was faster than the elephant, so no harm done
that couldn't be undone by a change of pants.

When we told the ranger back at the camp he just laughed, and said
this particular elephant amused himself by chasing tourists, but had
never caught any, and didn't mean any harm.


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