Last night I attended a talk and (electronic) slide show at the local camera 
club presented by the ex-pat UK photographer Lewis Morley entitled "The 
reluctant photographer". Lewis's getting on (he's been officially retired since 
1987) and he's essentially a shy kind of guy but he did ramble a little and so 
kept the fairly large audience (I was one of the youngest in attendance) well 
engaged for the whole evening. 

He started out by explaining that he had always wanted to be a painter but he 
fell into photography and it made cash so being a little lazy he continued, 
hence the title. Of course he showed some of his most recognizable images but 
of more interest were the stories surrounding their capture and occasional 
glimpses of associated contact sheets. Interestingly he kept mentioning that he 
wasn't a particularly technically skilled photographer but he did say that he 
preferred to process and print his own work, when he had the time.

I won't ramble on, It was a good night, very educational and if you ever get a 
chance to attend a talk by an old bloke who became relatively famous using his 
camera to make a living it's well worth it.

See the link below for some more info:

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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