True enough. But how many tests have you seen where the results were identical? An APS sensor is obviously not the limiting factor. Hell, I can see that just in print quality at 13 x 19. Another thngI see is a lot of anger here and in other places. Some are angry because the film processing biz is in the toilet. Others are angry because Pentax didn't build the camera they wanted. So the equipment which they praised just a couple of months ago is no longer good enough to get optimum results from coke bottle lenses. It's a mix of sour grapes and solid bullshit.
On Apr 21, 2005, at 10:41 PM, William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: RE: I've joined the masses......

Rob wrote:

The wide variance in lens sharpness that we see in tests made with digital cameras would seem to dispute that.

Most people can't run a proper test to save their lives. The internet is full of boy Kennys who have more ego than smarts.

William Robb

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