frank theriault wrote:

> Most of the time, however, I think much along your lines:  When you're
> an amateur, you don't have deadlines, you shoot to please yourself,
> and there's no pressure.  Maybe becoming a pro would take all the fun
> out of it, and that would be a shame.

Once upon a time, I wrote reasonably well and enjoyed it. Then
I went back to college on the G.I. Bill and majored in journalism.
I grew to hate writing, to the point where I struggle with it
even today.

Once upon a time, I loved to read for pleasure. When I got out
of college I got a job as an editor. I pretty much stopped reading
for a very long while.

In the course of my work, I became fascinated by the then-emerging
personal computer. Then my job shifted and I found myself working
mostly in IT-type stuff rather than editorial. Now I'm strictly
IT and have grown to cordially hate computers.

I hope I never become a professional photographer...  ;-)

> One thing I've learned from this list is that one doesn't have to be a
> professional to produce stunning photographs.  Some of the work of the
> amateurs on this list is second-to-none (yours included, BTW).

Amen, Brother...

Best regards,
Stephen Moore

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