frank theriault wrote:

On 4/25/05, Cesar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have kept quiet so far, but your statement above about volume
discounts to the larger stores brings up a couple of discussions I have
had with my local photo store owner.
He has been told time and again from a major camera manufacturer - who
shall remain nameless - that the price he is charged for a camera body
is the same that they charge the large stores i.e. B&H, Ritz, ...
He even showed me the invoices, and we cannot understand how such large
companies can sell all those cameras for a lot less than what the local
shop is charged.  And, I am not talking about a $50 difference.

Believing there are pricing differences,

Hard to figure, eh? <vbg>

BTW, which invoices did he show you?  Ones from the manufacturers to
him?  Or ones from the manufacturers to the Big Stores?

If the latter, were they huge orders, or ones and twos?

Even if they're huge orders (and I hate to sound cynical here, after
accusing Tom of same <g>), dummy invoices have been known to be


They were the invoices from the manufacturer to him.

Often engaging the store owner in talks of the industry and such,

Panama City, Florida

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