Funny you should mention that.

There are a couple of retro Atari products on the store shelves.

One looks like a slightly thicker Atari 2600 controller, and has
ten of the early Ataru games built in.  The other one has a pair
of controllers very like the 7800 ones, and thirty built-in games.
(Unfortunately neither include space invaders; I assume somebody
else has the rights to that)

I'm sure most of them are bought by nostalgic baby boomers, but
I've seen teenagers showing quite a bit of interest.

On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 07:19:48PM -0400, Herb Chong wrote:
> that's about the same likelihood as kids choosing to play Atari 2600 video 
> games over the Xbox or its ilk.
> Herb....
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "P. J. Alling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 10:12 AM
> Subject: Re: OT - Film CAMERAS are dead.
> >Kids born 10-15 years ago will re-discover film and they'll use glorified 
> >point and shoots like
> >the Canon Rebel, or all mechanical machines like the K1000.

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