Thanks, Godfrey.

I should comment that I visited this site probably 20 times before finally getting this shot. I shot it once before with the Holga with a 6x4.5 insert in place, and for this shot I ripped that out to get the square aspect ratio. Unfortunately, I did not know about the light leaks that happen with Holgas without the insert. But with this shot, taken on delta 100, I mis-read the developing info on the box and wound up developing the film at 20C using the time for 24C. So the ultra thin negs minimized the light leaks and made for a decent print.

I visit this place often, and underlying it all is the question about why anyone would build a perch (which looks like it would be barely functional under the best of circumstances) way out in the middle of the woods. The nearest clearing is a good 20 yards away. You never see game in the woods - your best bet for hunting is to hit clearings near wooded areas. Whoever build this perch, was dumber than a box of rocks.

But then, I've done a lot of dumb things in my life - usually when inspiration eclipses logic. So I can see myself building this perch with high hopes of really snagging a great Buck. So for me, I look at this perch and think in my mind "What moron built this" but feel in my heart a sense of identification with the builder. It's not the meaning that the shot would objectively convey to the dispassionate observer, but it is my own internal interpretation of this scene.

Anyhow - thanks again for the comment!

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Mark Cassino Photography
Kalamazoo, MI
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----- Original Message ----- From: "Godfrey DiGiorgi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2005 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: Exhibits

That Holga photograph is lovely, Mark. Classic values, composition and well presented.


On 4/28/05, Mark Cassino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just got back from the opening of the West Michigan Area Show at the
Kalamazoo Institute of Arts. This is an all media show, with works from 17
counties in west Michigan. I didn't win any prizes, but two of my photos
were accepted into the show this year. (I had one in last year.)

For Pentax content, there is a 20 x 24 inch digital print of this 6x7 shot:

And a smaller print of this Holga shot:

That hunter perch shot has become my most exhibited piece, in terms of
number of shows. It was in the 4th North American Landscape Exhibit in
Annapolis, MD, last summer, another exhibit called "The Rural Outdoors" in
upstate New Your last fall, and in a "select works" exhibit of the same show
further upstate earlier this year. Aside from the show that opened tonight,
it was recently accepted into a show called "Man & Nature" that will open in
Rolling Meadow, Illinois in June.

The nicest thing about the Holga is not having to worry about exposure -
shutter speed, aperture settings - it takes care of all that for you. :-)


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