On 5/2/05, Bob W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's easy when you know how...
> "Work of Meta-Art in the Age of Symbiotic Reproduction
> The flux creates, the chaos profligates. In the synoptic reality, art
> objects are resurrections of the iterations of the flux -- a flux that uses
> the chaos as a zeitgeist to deconstruct ideas, patterns, and emotions. With
> the synergy of the electronic environment, the flux is superseding a point
> where it will be free from the chaos to transcend immersions into the
> ejaculations of the delphic reality. Work of Meta-Art in the Age of
> Symbiotic Reproduction contains 10 minimal java engines (also referred to as
> "memes") that enable the user to make bountiful audio/visual compositions.
> measuring chains, constructing realities
> putting into place forms
> a matrix of illusion and disillusion
> a strange attracting force
> so that a seduced reality will be able to spontaneously feed on it
> Frank Theriault's work investigates the nuances of surveilance cameras
> through the use of jumpcut motion and close-ups which emphasize the
> Symbiotic nature of digital media. Theriault explores abstract and
> purpurescent scenery as motifs to describe the idea of imaginary reality.
> Using collimated loops, non-linear narratives, and neo-fascist images as
> patterns, Theriault creates meditative environments which suggest the
> expansion of space..."

Yeah, well, that's pretty much what mine says.  Except for the stuff
about jump-cuts and digital media.  My photos mostly stay still and
are in fact anti-digital.  Other than that, your Artiste's Statment is
bang-on.  <LOL>
> http://www.playdamage.org/market%2Do%2Dmatic/

This link coulda saved me a coupla hours.  Next time...  

thanks, Bob,

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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