On 5/2/05, Christian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi;
> Didn't see this reach the list, but if it has, I appologize for the
> duplication.
> Three shots of birds I made this weekend at the Delaware shore.  It was a
> crummy, windy, misty, overcast day so the colors are extremely muted.  I
> tried to "punch it up" a bit and I'm not sure the outcome worked.  I also
> thought about a B&W conversion but didn't like the way it looked either.
> two shots of willets (a type of wading bird like a sandpiper)
> http://www.skofteland.net/displayimage.php?album=1&pos=25
> http://www.skofteland.net/displayimage.php?album=1&pos=24
> and a ring-billed gull in flight:
> http://www.skofteland.net/displayimage.php?album=1&pos=10
> comments always welcome.

Whatsa matter, Skofteland, 'fraid to tell us what camera you used? 
Like we won't know yer out there playing wiff yer nu toy?  <LOL>

I'm not sure I should comment until you come clean (but I will).

The two willets is a terrific photo.  The others are very good, that
one's the best by far.  Beautitful symmetry, both the birds and the
reflections.  Love the OOF bird - it's just right, IMHO.

I think using Pentax lenses would have made it just a teeny bit
better, but I'm picking nits here <vbg>.  Seriously, you're now going
to tell us that you used like a 400mm lens handheld at like 1/60th,
right?  <LOL>

Well done (no matter what camera you used, as it's the photographer
who takes the photo, not the equipment - no smiley there...).


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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