Yep, that's true, if the intended audience still has those lenses. Look at the relatively low prices on used medium format gear lately. There's a huge supply, probably from all those pros who realized that they could get by with FF 35mm for quality. If I had a few of those lenses I'd be happy, if I'd already dumped them I wouldn't be re-acquiring them. Pentax may be making a bunch of hobbyists who've decided to acquire an inexpensive 645 system very happy.

William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "P. J. Alling" Subject: Re: Why and How I switched to Canon (for those who care) long

Pentax will have to be clearly superior, I don't think they will be, maybe better, but not enough to make anyone change systems.

If you already have a load of 645 lenses, an 18mp digital body might be a nice accessory.

William Robb

A man's only as old as the woman he feels.
                        --Groucho Marx

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