More likely than not.

Kenneth Waller wrote:

Based on these definitions, Art is a guy. It's early in the morning, He needs a shave.

.... and he's single...

Kenneth Waller

-----Original Message-----
From: "P. J. Alling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re: what makes a photograph art...

Art is painful to look at

Art is disruptive of normality

Art questions, reduces and simplifies our experience of life

Art is clear, straightforward and uncomplicated.

Based on these definitions, Art is a guy. It's early in the morning, He needs a shave.

mike wilson wrote:

From: Tom Reese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2005/05/06 Fri AM 11:34:48 GMT
To: "" <>
Subject: what makes a photograph art...

Background: I bought Bill Fortney's "Great Photography Workshop" book a while back. In the book, Bill recommended another one called "Developing The Creative Edge in Photography" by Bert Eifer. That book contains some interesting (to me at least) thoughts on what makes a photograph 'art.' These definitions are compiled by Mr. Eifer and are not necessarily his. These are some of the definitions:

art pleases the eye

Art is painful to look at

art brings order to chaos - it creates harmony

Art is disruptive of normality

art clarifies, intensifies or enlarges our experience of life

Art questions, reduces and simplifies our experience of life

art has mystery, ambiguity and contradiction

Art is clear, straightforward and uncomplicated.

I'm interested in hearing the thoughts of the group on these definitions. Do you disagree with any of them?

Tom Reese


The above statement is art.

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A man's only as old as the woman he feels.
                        --Groucho Marx

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