----- Original Message ----- From: "Graywolf"
Subject: Re: Digital profligacy

Well a contractor is liable if his work is not to code. Most places require him to post a bond to get his license. So it is fairly easy to get you money back for small jobs (the bond won't cover anything substancial, and fly-by-night contractors usually have nothing else you can get to).

Sadly, a lot of contract work is done cash, with no paper.
Our tax regime is such that tax avoidance is a national pastime.
Deal with one of these guys, and when they screw up, you really have no options whatsoever.
One of my strategies with my ongoing "Adventures in Home Renovation" website is to get the bastard that ripped me off to sue me.
Once I have him in court admitting he worked for me,I can fry his behind.
Won't get anything other than satisfaction, these types make sure they don't have anything.
My moron even has his phone in his wife's name.
Liability avoidance is the name of their game.

William Robb

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