On 5/10/05, Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/5/05, mike wilson, discombobulated, unleashed:
> >Wishful thinking, sadly.  We're getting foisted with a lot of these
> >(interesting in their own right but) inappropriate buildings.
> Mike!  Don't you like it?? I think it's fab!!

It looks pretty at night:

A friend of mine used to work in there and I got to go up to the bar
on the top floor - fantastic view...prepared me for the london eye at
the weekend (I'm not normally a fan of heights...).

However, it had lots of problems with cracked windows when it was
being built, and I heard about this the other day:


Billy Abbott
Photography - http://www.cowfish.org.uk/paw/

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