Thanks for the information. It may well have been the requetés that my
friend was warned against dressing like.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carlos Royo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 10 May 2005 21:29
> To:
> Subject: Re: LONDON PDML 2005 more pics up
> Bob W escribió:
> > That's interesting. A few years ago (in the 1980s) a friend of mine 
> > lived in San Sebastian (Donostia). She was told in no 
> uncertain terms 
> > not to wear her red beret because it reminded people of the Guardia 
> > Civil from the Franco era.
> > 
> The Guardia Civil has never worn green berets. In the old 
> times, they wore a shiny black leather hat known in Spanish 
> as "tricornio" (a three-cornered hat). In the last decades, 
> they have worn it only in parades. In the streets, they wear 
> a green military style cap, similar to the one worn by French 
> police, or a green beret, the members of special forces of 
> the Guardia Civil.
> The red berets were worn by the "requetés", Carlist 
> volunteers of a right wing basque nationalist paramilitary 
> force who were some of the staunchest allies of Franco's 
> regime in the Spanish civil war and afterwards.
> Carlos

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