John, I think Frank was being nearly as facetious as I was, though I can't be sure I don't speak for Frank.

John Forbes wrote:

It seems this little jest of mine has fallen rather flat. I apologise to Frank, and hope he will accept my assurance that no harm was intended.

The entry has been removed.


On Tue, 10 May 2005 14:43:40 +0100, P. J. Alling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Think about how I feel.  I coined the word, IIRC.

frank theriault wrote:

On 5/10/05, John Forbes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, fancy that:


First of all, my name's not Francis, but frank (capital F is
optional). It's right there in my birth certificate. Named after my
grandfather, Francois Telesphore Theriault, whose nickname was Frank. But, my name's frank.

Second of all, it's not deliberate.  It just happens.  It's the
Photography Gods that do it, not me.

Third of all, since I don't know what art is, I dispute that it's for
"artistic effect".  It just ~is~.  Sort of an existential thing, I

I am, however, either humbled by this, or humiliated.  I haven't
decided which yet.



A man's only as old as the woman he feels.
                        --Groucho Marx

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