Bill Peifer wrote:

> I seem to remember a suggestion from a list member regarding a cheap and
> easy-to-implement flash diffuser.  In fact, I think this was Mafud's idea.
> Get a piece of one of those white styrofoam take-out food packaging
trays --
> like they might use at McDonalds' :-)

Really?  I thought they started cutting down more trees in order to save the
environment.  Can you tell me how to get one of those? :-)

 -- and cut out a rectangular piece
> with dimensions somewhat larger than your flash head.  Nip the corners,
> fold back and tape the edges to give a little "box" that will just slip
> the front of your flash head.  If you fold it just right, you won't even
> need tape or Velcro to hold it in place.  Maybe you could do the same
> with a piece of plastic from a gallon milk jug?

You have reminded me of something  I read about using a 6-pack styrofoam
cooler.  A rectangle is cut out of the bottom that the flash head sticks
into and you glue a piece of waxpaper across the front.  This could
effectively (maybe) provide a larger light source.  Given that the camera
will be on a tripod, I suppose one could use even a learger cooler and mount
the flash so that it bounces of the top of the cooler softbox and out the
waxpaper "lens".


Tom C.

(BTW, I was inspired by Bill Swayer or just plain crazy and got the entire
Time Tunnel Series via ebay)

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