frank theriault wrote:

On 5/14/05, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In my meanderings yesterday, I came across a black Pentax MX body in
what seems very nice condition. I recall seeing John Francis' MX and
being quite taken with it, it reminds me of a faithful Nikon FM that I
worked with for 19 years. I have plenty of Pentax lenses, enough for
two bodies easily.

When I asked if it was for sale, the owner said "$30". At that price,
who can resist? I even offered more but he said it was just stuff he
wanted to get rid of, hadn't used it in years. The lens was damaged
(front element cracked) ... said he'd taken it off and dropped it when
he was cleaning the body. The body seems to work nicely. I'll have to
buy some batteries and see if the meter is working.

I dunno when I'll shoot some film in it, but for $30 ...

feeling strangely archaic with this in my hand

I think he deserves a whole new level.  Loath.

$30 for a ~black~ MX?

I hate you!



A man's only as old as the woman he feels.
                        --Groucho Marx

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