>> >
>> >Mr Englishman, be so kind, tell me what it means, literally. If need be,
>> >use off-list :).
>> Well Boris, in England we have this eccentric pastime involving jam
>> doughnuts and dirt. Basically, someone throws a doughnut, and if it hits
>> someone it's considered lucky. However, if the doughnut splits open and
>> coats the recipient in jam (as they are wont to do now and again) then
>> this is extremely lucky (and in fact quite yummy as well). HOWEVER, if
>> the doughnut hits someone and coats the recipient in jam, and then the
>> recipient falls over in the muck and mire, rolling and writhing in it, so
>> that all the sod of the Earth is sticking to the jam and stuff, well,
>> that is considered so incredibly lucky that words simply cannot express...
>> So we say 'jammy sod' instead.
>> Just don't ask me about jammy dodgers!

Sorry Boris, I was pretty soused last night - and being playful. Jammy
sod means 'lucky fellow' ;-)


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