Hello Graywolf,

Seems that you haven't used an FM before.  Granted, the Nikon size
difference is there, but beyond that, they function just about the
same.  Instead of 5 LED's for the metering, there are three.  They use
two together for the half stop indicator that Pentax uses a single
yellow one.  All manual, all mechanical, same shutter speed range,
etc.  Solid and hefty feel as well.

Best regards,

Sunday, May 15, 2005, 7:57:02 AM, you wrote:

G> Oh yes, IMHO, an MX is to a FM as an Arabian is to a plow
G> horse. Unless a FM is a lot different than an FT3 (contemporary to
G> the MX).

G> graywolf
G> http://www.graywolfphoto.com
G> "Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"
G> -----------------------------------

G> Bruce Dayton wrote:
>> Wow, nice snag.  Myself having been a big FM fan for many years, I can
>> vouch for the MX as being a very similar beast.

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