----- Original Message ----- From: "Shel Belinkoff"
Subject: Re: Leica digital back no longer vapourware

A couple of days ago a friend and I were talking about the rather
convoluted workflow some of us go through at times. We buy good quality
cameras, the highest quality lenses we can afford, test and retest film
looking for that which gives the finest grain and highest resolution and
detail, and then scan the film using, at best, mediocre scanners (sometimes
at rather low resolution), run the mess through photo editing software to
correct and enhance lost color and sharpness, destroying even more of the
original negative, and then print the mess on an inkjet printer (sometimes
purchased with low price paramount to highest quality) or send it to a lab
somewhere that'll make a print cheaply - sometimes even via FTP or email -
where the techs have no idea what the final result is supposed to look
like, and, bada-bing, we have the modern photograph. What's wrong with
this picture? <LOL>

At least one person other than me gets it.

William Robb

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