UncaMikey wrote:
>> You don't know personally a lot of Italian women, I guess...
>> :-)
>Very true!  But I have looked at thousands upon thousands!  And
>always look into every shoe store I walk by -- it seems like in
>Italian city I've visited, there's a shoe store every 100m.

Hmmm, probably you've never been in Naples. Here, in some
street, the shoe stores are maybe 1 every 10 (ten!) meters...

>Wouldn't those boot-like shoes qualify for "bruta figura"?

Well, I sorta like them... Maybe it's due to the fact that I
really dislike the kind of shoes I see every day along the
streets (brutte!! bruttissime!! :-). 
I have to find some interesting shoe shot, now that you make me
think about it...




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