CF cards are a bit different than magnetic devices, there should be no residual memory if they are working correctly.

Graywolf wrote:

Well, the fornistic types claim they can now copy files from a hard drive that has been rewritten multiple times and bulk erased. So if you need real data security I recommend total distruction of the drive.
There used to be a utility that would track write 1's, then 0's, several times, after which you had to do a low level format which is probably good enough to keep anyone who does not have a government type budget to work with from getting at deleted stuff. IIRC it was called WIPE.
Or you can just encrypt everything with PGP and not worry too much about actually erasing it.

There are several utilities that overwrite files (not the whole drive) with 1's, but they do not provide "keep me out of court" type security. More the "my wife will never know" type.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

P. J. Alling wrote:

Ok, so you've got your CF card, you copy the images from the card to you hard drive and create a CD/DVD/whatever backup. Delete all the files on the card and the data is still the still recoverable. Suppose you want to clean the card completely. I haven't been able to find a utility to do that. Even a "full format" in DOS seems to just do a fast format, (rewrite the FAT table). Has anyone found such a beast or will I have to write one myself?

Yes it is a paranoid question, on the other hand these are paranoid times, and so few people seem to realize that.

A man's only as old as the woman he feels.
                        --Groucho Marx

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