On Sat, 21 May 2005 09:13:57 -0400, Mark Roberts wrote:

> At the airport recently I saw a large notice warning about not even
> making jokes about bombs or explosives while in line at security. I
> wondered what would happen if two people some distance apart had a loud
> conversation that went "What gate does our flight leave from?" "C4!"

About ten or twelve years ago I was in like at the security checkpoint
at the Atlanta airport, and there was a sign with a similar warning. 
This guy about six or seven people in front of me looked at the notice,
turned to the fellow next to them, and said something like "Hey, Bob, I
guess I shouldn't tell them about the C4 in my briefcase, then, should
I?"  By the time he got to "should I" he was on his way to the floor
under two or three huge security guys who came from nowhere.  He was
escorted away quickly.


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