With older cameras that have manual aperture control, I just turn the dial and 
position it between the two spots. You can even do that in thirds with enough 
accuracy for any practical application. With my *istD cameras and my LX I use 
exposure compensation to split stops. Calculating numerical values doesn't seem 
to serve any real purpose.

> How does one figure partial stop numbers?
> For instance what stop is half way between 4 and 5.6?
> And where does 4.76 fall? This is a 2.8 lens with the
> SMCP-F 1.7x converter.
> I'm guessing there is a simple multiplier for this but
> with my limited knowledge of math I have no clue
> what it is.
> This is more out of curiosity than necessity.
> Someone posted a link to this info but I can't find
> it again.
> Don

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