Cesar looked for someone to blame for his recent acquisitions:

"I have been a member of this list since the days of The Who. [How many remember that?] I do not recall enablement on the list from those days. It may have been because I was such a photographic 'newbie' :-)"

"Anyway, I saw my photographer friend the other day after work. I stopped by his place on my way home. He had not used his medium format gear for over a year - since he went digital with Canon. I got my 645n from him."

"After checking out the equipment, I walked away with the following:"

<snipped the long list of stuff>

"I can only blame the list since I did ask if I should go for all this :-)"

Frank is responsible for 90% of the trouble on this list. It's probably his fault. I'm sure you're now as anxious as the rest of us to exact your revenge at GFM. Note: The 90% is probably low but I wanted to be conservative in my estimate.

You scored quite a haul there Cesar. Congratulations on your further MF enablement.

Tom (working on the other 10%) Reese

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